Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Are You Working for a Hacker?

Throughout history people have sought the help of advisors.  Lawyers, accountants, wealth managers and consultants all have a key role to play as experts in their field to help guide their clients through the murky waters before them.  Yet, the very people called on for assistance could also pose the greatest business risk.
Cyber criminals love advisors, not because they guide them through legal issues or help them hide their ill-gotten gains, but because of all of the cyber criminal’s potential targets, advisors present the best value for money.

The psychology of a Cybercriminal
Cyber based crime has different motivators, different methodologies and different targets.  Whilst the media likes to use the word Cybercrime for every computer based attack, the term Cybercrime is really about profit motivated attacks. Cyber Espionage, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Activism have different motives and thus different targets. 

Cyber criminals are financially motivated fraudsters who use the Internet to access data and facilitate their main objective: to make a profit. 

Although cyber criminals may view themselves as smart business people who “work smarter not harder”, the reality is that cyber criminals are lazy.

As personal cyber security systems have become more robust and user friendly it has become harder for financially motivated hackers (FMHs) to collect the data they need.  Targeting one individual at a time, breaking through each unique security system and then committing a fraud on that one target with no guarantee of success is not a good return on investment or time.  
FMHs like volumes of data from which they can attempt mass fraud schemes, tweaking each attempt as they launch to ensure the highest level of success. 

As well as holding large volumes of data, the ideal target will also have limited cyber security, system users who demand full access with little awareness of data protection and IT support staff which are, just that, “support” rather than security focused. 

Such a target exists and it is called the professional services firm. FMH’s target lawyers, accountants, consultants and wealth managers amongst others, because each have all that is required to facilitate a fraud: volumes of data often stored in an organised manner with little protection.

Professional Services: The perfect target
By gaining access to a lawyer’s email accounts not only can the hacker read about upcoming transactions or litigation but they can also impersonate the victim’s lawyer or gain enough personal data to effect wire transfers, property sell offs or any other manipulation available to them.  The same can be said about the accounts of wealth managers or accountants. 

Such attacks are not sophisticated hacks.  Most involve a simple password collection made when the adviser logs onto a free Wi-Fi spot or clicks on a link in a spear-phishing email that “requires”  or automates a software download before viewing a file or a video that has gone viral.

Spear-phishing emails are tailor made for a specific person or professional group with the focus on getting that person or group to click a link and install hidden malware.  Professional services advisors are profiled by the attackers utilizing social media, standard media, client inquires and public records to determine their likelihood of having access to the data required by the cyber criminals. 

That profile is used to tweak the attack and then launch it.  Ever wonder why you get so much spam or why you have so many new Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter followers?  Even friendly emails with sugar-coated offers to win an iPad if you click a link and fill in your details could pose a risk.

Complacent thinking
Cyber criminals rely on complacent thinking. The belief that if your email was compromised you would notice if emails were being sent and received by someone other than yourself.   Unfortunately, once a hacker has access to your email account they can set up filters to forward certain mail messages away from your inbox to folders or even to reply and then delete before you see them. 

Even in rare cases where the fraud is discovered halted in time, the cyber criminals will have already stolen your information and can use it against you in a future attack or to make a profit. The financial value of confidential data cannot be underestimated. If it is sensitive, it is likely that there will be someone willing to pay to obtain it.

Protecting yourself from working for a hacker
The reality of the risk posed is visible when two key questions are considered; If you discover a compromise on your system do you have any way of knowing what was viewed, modified or taken?   What would be the impact to your business if it became public that client data was stolen and potentially misused?

In the past year Kroll has been engaged on more than 25 such matters for large professional services firms.  The message behind this trend is clear: why attack on a one-on-one basis when a single targeted attack can get you 1000 or more?

The damage to firms in the professional services sector is equally multiplied. Success in the sector relies on trust and the belief that client information will be protected.

The assumption is often made that there is nothing of value that cybercriminals could want, therefore it is not a concern, but the truth is that cybercriminals do not discriminate, they want a lot of data, some which to others may seem irrelevant. A personal credit card number is just a small piece.

Businesses need to understand what data they hold, why it is important or attractive to cybercriminals, how is it protected and who has access to it.  A proactive understanding of the threats leads to proactive mitigation.

The next time you are “inconveniently” forced to change your password due to some internal policy understand that this, as well as other requirements, could be the difference between money in your hands and money in the cyber criminals’ hands, it could be the difference between working for your client and working for a hacker.

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